
Honor Family Office was born from my desire to manage my family’s assets using the professional tools I mastered working as a wealth manager.

I spent 27 years in the financial services sector, crafting a career that included mortgage banking, retirement plan administration, investment banking, tax preparation, financial planning, and investment management. During that time, I had my plan and remained disciplined about staying the course. Then, at last, the time came, and I was able to do what I had helped so many of my clients do: I retired.

During my retirement, I began researching ways to invest my assets to align with my values. It was important that I screen out companies that ignore the climate crisis, profit from migrants via detention centers or modern slavery abuses, and silence the voices of women and minority groups.

As it turns out, this is a smart investment strategy. Future growth potential is on the side of companies developing technologies and practices to replace the harmful fossil fuels and address inequalities. Additionally, companies can be more profitable when they include people with diverse perspectives and experiences in decision-making roles.

The most exciting element is that investors like you are demanding these kinds of intentional strategies.

It’s now my privilege to work with clients who want to engage in meaningful work to align their wealth with their values.


Years of experience

Social Responsible Investing



A good plan is the basis of any successful endeavor.

Estate Planning

Even the simplest estate requires a will.


Invest with purpose.


Mitigate financial risk.


Be tax-smart.


Support meaningful causes.

social responsible investing 

social responsible investing 

social responsible investing 

social responsible investing 

social responsible investing 

Fiduciary Duty: Your best interests should come first.

CFP Website

investing with a purpose 

investing with a purpose 

investing with a purpose 

investing with a purpose 

investing with a purpose 

investing with a purpose 

Hands holding globe that has buildings and a sapling growing from it.
